Typeface Design - Typography 3
Grievous is a typeface intended to test the balance between gritty and smooth. The playfulness of dirt/mud painting combined with sharp serifs creates a severity that the name implies. Use Grievous as a way to add texture and visual interest to delicate/clean pieces, while still being legible.
Typeface Design, Illustration, Photography, Student Work
Full English Alphabet, Event Postcard
Full Alphabet
Event Postcard
As a speed project we were asked to create a postcard for our upcoming showcase. I thought this would be a nice opportunity to try an use my typeface in a real world application.
I layered and reconfigured the letters over notebook paper to spell out the name of the event. Then I drew quick figures over the top as a fun through line. I thought it was a nice quick and dirty (pun intended) way to show off typography in a unique way.